Input data format

The input file can be of many types as long as it can be converted to a data.frame containing a number of columns with protein intensities and one column with protein identifiers. A protein identifier correspond to a unique entry in the UniProt database. Multiple protein identifiers can be associated with a single protein group.

Load data

Load an example dataset containing protein group intensities:

##  [1] "Protein.IDs"                   "Majority.protein.IDs"         
##  [3] "Peptide.counts..all."          "Peptide.counts..razor.unique."
##  [5] "Peptide.counts..unique."       "Protein.names"                
##  [7] "Gene.names"                    "Fasta.headers"                
##  [9] "Number.of.proteins"            "Peptides"                     
## [11] "Razor...unique.peptides"       "Unique.peptides"              
## [13] "Sequence.coverage...."         "Mol..weight..kDa."            
## [15] "Somme.MSMS.Cbl.Ech1"           "Somme.MSMS.Cbl.Ech2"          
## [17] "Somme.MSMS.Cbl.Ech3"           "Somme.MSMS.WT.Ech1"           
## [19] "Somme.MSMS.WT.Ech2"            "Somme.MSMS.WT.Ech3"

Map conditions

Protein intensity column names start with “Intensity” :

idx_intensity_columns <- grep("^Intensity.", names(proteinGroups_Cbl))
##  [1] "Intensity.Cbl_0_Ech1_R1"   "Intensity.Cbl_0_Ech1_R2"  
##  [3] "Intensity.Cbl_0_Ech1_R3"   "Intensity.Cbl_0_Ech2_R1"  
##  [5] "Intensity.Cbl_0_Ech2_R2"   "Intensity.Cbl_0_Ech2_R3"  
##  [7] "Intensity.Cbl_0_Ech3_R1"   "Intensity.Cbl_0_Ech3_R2"  
##  [9] "Intensity.Cbl_0_Ech3_R3"   "Intensity.Cbl_030_Ech1_R1"

Use the function identify_conditions() to map conditions from intensity column names:

condition <- identify_conditions(proteinGroups_Cbl,
                                  Column_intensity_pattern = "^Intensity.",
                                  split = "_", 
                                  bckg_pos = 1,
                                  time_pos = 2,
                                  bio_pos = 3,
                                  tech_pos = 4)
## # A tibble: 90 x 5
##    column                    bckg  time  bio   tech 
##    <fct>                     <fct> <fct> <fct> <fct>
##  1 Intensity.Cbl_0_Ech1_R1   Cbl   0     Ech1  R1   
##  2 Intensity.Cbl_0_Ech1_R2   Cbl   0     Ech1  R2   
##  3 Intensity.Cbl_0_Ech1_R3   Cbl   0     Ech1  R3   
##  4 Intensity.Cbl_0_Ech2_R1   Cbl   0     Ech2  R1   
##  5 Intensity.Cbl_0_Ech2_R2   Cbl   0     Ech2  R2   
##  6 Intensity.Cbl_0_Ech2_R3   Cbl   0     Ech2  R3   
##  7 Intensity.Cbl_0_Ech3_R1   Cbl   0     Ech3  R1   
##  8 Intensity.Cbl_0_Ech3_R2   Cbl   0     Ech3  R2   
##  9 Intensity.Cbl_0_Ech3_R3   Cbl   0     Ech3  R3   
## 10 Intensity.Cbl_030_Ech1_R1 Cbl   030   Ech1  R1   
## # … with 80 more rows

Preprocess data

preprocessed_data <- preprocess_data(proteinGroups_Cbl,
                            Column_gene_name = "Gene.names",
                            Column_score = "Score",
                            Column_ID = "Protein.IDs",
                            Column_Npep = NULL,
                            Column_intensity_pattern = "^Intensity.",
                            bait_gene_name = "Cbl",
                            condition = condition,
                            bckg_bait = "Cbl",
                            bckg_ctrl = "WT"
## Contaminant proteins discarded
## Proteins with no gene name available discarded
## Number of theoretically observable peptides unavailable : used MW instead
## Merge protein groups associated to the same gene name (sum of intensities) 
## Rescale median intensity across conditions

Run InteRact

Replace missing values with methode method, compare protein intensities between bait and control backgrounds (bckg_bait and bckg_ctrl respectively) across experimental conditions:

res <- InteRact(preprocess_df = preprocessed_data, 
                method = "none",
                pool_background = TRUE)

Identify specific interactions

Identify prey proteins specifically enriched in the bait background :

res <- identify_interactors(res, 
                            p_val_thresh = 0.001, 
                            fold_change_thresh = 3, 
                            n_success_min = 2, 
                            consecutive_success = TRUE)
##  [1] "bait"            "bckg_bait"       "bckg_ctrl"      
##  [4] "conditions"      "replicates"      "names"          
##  [7] "Protein.IDs"     "Npep"            "p_val"          
## [10] "fold_change"     "stoichio"        "stoichio_bio"   
## [13] "data"            "params"          "max_stoichio"   
## [16] "max_fold_change" "min_p_val"       "norm_stoichio"  
## [19] "is_interactor"   "n_success"       "interactor"
##  [1] "Cbl"      "Mccc1"    "Ywhae"    "Ywhaz"    "Sh3kbp1"  "Ubash3a" 
##  [7] "Crkl"     "Pik3r1"   "Ywhah"    "Ywhag"    "Ywhab"    "Pik3ca"  
## [13] "Grb2"     "Pik3r2"   "Ywhaq"    "Eps15l1"  "Inpp5d"   "StrepTag"
## [19] "Pik3cd"   "Cd5"      "Itsn2"    "Sdha"     "Acaca"    "Pccb"    
## [25] "Mccc2"    "Capzb"    "Thy1"     "Atp5o"    "Atp5c1"   "Itgb2"   
## [31] "Stat1"    "Slc25a5"  "H2-D1"    "Hist1h1a" "Psmb10"   "Psmd13"  
## [37] "Atp5b"    "Atp5a1"   "Phb2"     "Paics"    "Vdac1"    "Psmc5"   
## [43] "Psmc3"

Summarize results

Create a summary data.frame :

#Create a summary data frame
sum_tbl <- summary_table(res)
head(sum_tbl[, 1:10])
##   bait    names Protein.IDs     Npep max_stoichio max_fold_change
## 1  Cbl      Cbl      P22682 100.5600    1.0000000     2894.614773
## 2  Cbl StrepTag   Q60787TAG   3.0742    1.8479665      333.520290
## 3  Cbl     Pccb      Q99MN9  58.4080    1.0719011        6.519665
## 4  Cbl     Crkl      P47941  33.8300    0.6319007      746.665172
## 5  Cbl    Ywhae      P62259  29.1740    0.5548722       63.937523
## 6  Cbl    Ywhaz      P63101  27.7710    0.4768667       20.083919
##      min_p_val is_interactor n_success      p_val_0
## 1 1.679292e-12             1         5 7.483358e-05
## 2 9.731653e-07             1         4 2.233266e-03
## 3 5.014676e-06             1         5 7.885995e-04
## 4 7.228279e-11             1         4 6.719747e-02
## 5 3.165693e-12             1         4 4.769007e-03
## 6 1.220223e-08             1         3 1.212582e-03

Volcano plots

Generate volcano plots :

plot_volcanos(res, conditions = "030", p_val_thresh = 0.005, fold_change_thresh = 3, asinh_transform = FALSE)
## [[1]]

Recruitment kinetics

Plot kinetics of recruitment:

Focus on a protein

Compare protein intensities across condition for a given protein

plot_comparison(res, names = "Crkl")