Analysis of AP-MS data

InteRact(df, updateProgress = NULL, N_rep = 1, method = "default",
  quantile_rep = 0.05, pool_background = FALSE, log_test = TRUE,
  log_stoichio = TRUE, log_mean = TRUE, by_conditions = TRUE,
  substract_ctrl = TRUE, use_mean_for_bait = FALSE,
  preprocess_df = NULL, ...)



A dataframe containing protein intensities. By default, protein intensity column names start by "Intensity." (use parameter Column_intensity_pattern to change)


function to show progress bar in shiny app


Number of iterations for the replacement of missing values


Method to replace missing values. Methods from the "mice" package are supported. Use "none" if you do not want to replace missing values. By default, missing values are sampled from a normal distribution centered on the quantile of ctrl intensities defined by parameter quantile_rep with the standard deviation set to the mean SD of ctrl intensities across all proteins.


Numeric value between 0 and 1. Quantile of the distribution of mean intensities in the control background used to replace missing values.


option to use all control background conditions as one control group for all conditions


logical, perform t-test on log transform intensities


logical, use the geometric mean instead of the arithmetic mean to compute stoichiometries


logical, use the geometric mean instead of the arithmetic mean to compute the mean InteRactome


option to perform the comparison between bait and control group for each condition


logical, substract ctrl intensities in the calculation of stoichiometries


logical, average bait intensities across all conditions to compute interaction stoichiometries


list obtained by the function preprocess_data()


Additional parameters passed to function preprocess_data() and identify_conditions


a list containing the preprocessed data and on object of class InteRactome, i.e a list including the following elements :

conditions : a vector of experimental conditions.

names : a vector of names (by default gene names are used).

p_val : a list of vectors containing the p values associated to each experimental condition.

fold_change : a list of vectors containing the fold change associated to each experimental condition.

... : other variables.


#load data : data("proteinGroups_Cbl") #Run InteRact with default parameters res <- InteRact(proteinGroups_Cbl, bait_gene_name = "Cbl")
#> Warning: Column 'Score' not available : Data NOT Filtered based on portein identification score
#> Contaminant proteins discarded #> Proteins with no gene name available discarded #> Number of theoretically observable peptides unavailable : used MW instead #> Merge protein groups associated to the same gene name (sum of intensities) #> Rescale median intensity across conditions #> Replace missing values and perform interactome analysis for 1 replicates #> Nrep=1 #> Averaging 1 interactomes
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#You now have an `InteRactome`. See its elements. class(res)
#> [1] "InteRactome"
#> [1] "bait" "bckg_bait" "bckg_ctrl" "conditions" #> [5] "replicates" "names" "Protein.IDs" "Npep" #> [9] "p_val" "fold_change" "stoichio" "stoichio_bio" #> [13] "data" "params" "max_stoichio" "max_fold_change" #> [17] "min_p_val" "norm_stoichio"
#Generate volcano plots plot_volcanos(res)
#> [[1]]
#> #> [[2]]
#> #> [[3]]
#> #> [[4]]
#> #> [[5]]
#Identify specific interactors res <- identify_interactors(res, p_val_thresh = 0.05, fold_change_thresh = 2) #Visualize interaction kinetics plot_per_condition(res)
#> $plot
#> #> $idx_order #> [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 #>
# Append annotations res <- append_annotations(res, annotations = "")
#> Creating annotation table... #> | | | 0% | | | 1% | |= | 1% | |= | 2% | |== | 2% | |== | 3% | |== | 4% | |=== | 4% | |=== | 5% | |==== | 5% | |==== | 6% | |===== | 6% | |===== | 7% | |===== | 8% | |====== | 8% | |====== | 9% | |======= | 9% | |======= | 10% | |======= | 11% | |======== | 11% | |======== | 12% | |========= | 12% | |========= | 13% | |========= | 14% | |========== | 14% | |========== | 15% | |=========== | 15% | |=========== | 16% | |============ | 16% | |============ | 17% | |============ | 18% | |============= | 18% | |============= | 19% | |============== | 19% | |============== | 20% | |============== | 21% | |=============== | 21% | |=============== | 22% | |================ | 22% | |================ | 23% | |================ | 24% | |================= | 24% | |================= | 25% | |================== | 25% | |================== | 26% | |=================== | 26% | |=================== | 27% | |=================== | 28% | |==================== | 28% | |==================== | 29% | |===================== | 29% | |===================== | 30% | |===================== | 31% | |====================== | 31% | |====================== | 32% | |======================= | 32% | |======================= | 33% | |======================= | 34% | |======================== | 34% | |======================== | 35% | |========================= | 35% | |========================= | 36% | |========================== | 36% | |========================== | 37% | |========================== | 38% | |=========================== | 38% | |=========================== | 39% | |============================ | 39% | |============================ | 40% | |============================ | 41% | |============================= | 41% | |============================= | 42% | |============================== | 42% | |============================== | 43% | |============================== | 44% | |=============================== | 44% | |=============================== | 45% | |================================ | 45% | |================================ | 46% | |================================= | 46% | |================================= | 47% | |================================= | 48% | |================================== | 48% | |================================== | 49% | |=================================== | 49% | |=================================== | 50% | |=================================== | 51% | |==================================== | 51% | |==================================== | 52% | |===================================== | 52% | |===================================== | 53% | |===================================== | 54% | |====================================== | 54% | |====================================== | 55% | |======================================= | 55% | |======================================= | 56% | |======================================== | 56% | |======================================== | 57% | |======================================== | 58% | |========================================= | 58% | |========================================= | 59% | |========================================== | 59% | |========================================== | 60% | |========================================== | 61% | |=========================================== | 61% | |=========================================== | 62% | |============================================ | 62% | |============================================ | 63% | |============================================ | 64% | |============================================= | 64% | |============================================= | 65% | |============================================== | 65% | |============================================== | 66% | |=============================================== | 66% | |=============================================== | 67% | |=============================================== | 68% | |================================================ | 68% | |================================================ | 69% | |================================================= | 69% | |================================================= | 70% | |================================================= | 71% | |================================================== | 71% | |================================================== | 72% | |=================================================== | 72% | |=================================================== | 73% | |=================================================== | 74% | |==================================================== | 74% | |==================================================== | 75% | |===================================================== | 75% | |===================================================== | 76% | |====================================================== | 76% | |====================================================== | 77% | |====================================================== | 78% | |======================================================= | 78% | |======================================================= | 79% | |======================================================== | 79% | |======================================================== | 80% | |======================================================== | 81% | |========================================================= | 81% | |========================================================= | 82% | |========================================================== | 82% | |========================================================== | 83% | |========================================================== | 84% | |=========================================================== | 84% | |=========================================================== | 85% | |============================================================ | 85% | |============================================================ | 86% | |============================================================= | 86% | |============================================================= | 87% | |============================================================= | 88% | |============================================================== | 88% | |============================================================== | 89% | |=============================================================== | 89% | |=============================================================== | 90% | |=============================================================== | 91% | |================================================================ | 91% | |================================================================ | 92% | |================================================================= | 92% | |================================================================= | 93% | |================================================================= | 94% | |================================================================== | 94% | |================================================================== | 95% | |=================================================================== | 95% | |=================================================================== | 96% | |==================================================================== | 96% | |==================================================================== | 97% | |==================================================================== | 98% | |===================================================================== | 98% | |===================================================================== | 99% | |======================================================================| 99% | |======================================================================| 100% #> Done. #> Append annotation to interactome... #> Done.
#Create a summary data frame sum_tbl <- summary_table(res)